About us

Sweet cherry
Due to its medicinal properties, sweet cherry (Prunus avium) is one of the healthiest foodstuffs and often a favourite because of its balanced taste. Sweet cherry is a source of important elements that the body needs, rich in antioxidants, vitamins (A, B, C etc.), carbohydrates and minerals (it is a source of potassium, zinc, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, boron, iron etc.), flavonoids, organic acids (malic, citric, tartaric). Sweet cherries contain more beta-carotenes than any other fruit. Therefore, having a sweet cherry for a meal, snack or dessert is always a good and healthy choice.
Sweet cherry cultivation in Croatia has a long and renowned tradition. Sweet cherry is grown in all parts of the country, regardless of geographical and climatic differences. And right here, embraced by the Mediterranean, a few kilometres away from Zadar and the Adriatic Sea, with more than 200 sunny days a year, lies our orchard.
One of the largest sweet cherry orchards in Europe, with an area of more than 40 hectares, including over 26,000 trees, it is technologically equipped to compete with any contemporary orchard in Europe. Here you will find 20 high-quality sweet cherry varieties that will satisfy every lover of this fruit, while its nutritional value will provide your body with the benefits of a true elixir of youth.
To be an important player in the fruit market, particularly Croatia’s and the EU’s sweet cherry markets, and through continuous investments, by introducing innovations and modern technologies in harmony with nature and sustainable development, provide consumers with a healthy, nutritious, quality product.
To become a leading company in the marketing of sweet cherries, being a desirable employer and partner whose socially responsible business operations will be a platform for the development of fruit growing in Zadar area and beyond.
Time to harvest:

Sweet cherry tree is a symbol of peace and friendship, as well as one of the most important symbols of Japanese culture, which is why almost half of all trees in Japan are sweet cherry trees. And while in Europe this tree is favoured for its fruits, in Japan it is primarily appreciated for its flowers. Consequently, there are more than 200 varieties of cherry trees in Japan which bear no fruit and are only grown for their flowers’ beauty and splendour.

Cherry blossom is a symbol of beauty, strength, bravery and femininity. Because of its short lifespan of only a few days, it is also a symbol of the passage of life. Cherry blossom gives a welcome to spring after a long and cold winter, signalizing the awakening of nature and the coming of a new era.

This edible red stone fruit surrounded by a fleshy and succulent pericarp has been grown since ancient Rome. According to the records by the Roman author Pliny the Elder, the Romans grew eight different sweet cherry varieties (today we have more than 1,500 varieties), and for Roman soldiers it was an energizing, revitalizing meal
Five reasons why you should eat a sweet cherry:
1. Sweet cherry slows down the ageing process and accelerates metabolism
2. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect
3. Reduces blood sugar level: due to its low glycaemic index it is also a good fruit for diabetics
4. Lowers LDL cholesterol level
5. Has a favourable effect on the excretion of body water, because it is rich in calcium and poor in sodium.

Sweet cherry as a foodstuff
Although sweet cherries are most frequently consumed fresh, they can be an excellent foodstuff for processing. Starting from sweet marmalades, jams, all the way to different creams and ice cream.
In some countries, sweet cherries are used to make fruit soups or sauces served with roasted duck, turkey or pork.
In Germanic countries, you will also find an alcoholic beverage called Kirschwasser, while in our region you will more commonly be offered a sweet cherry liqueur.
Sweet cherry juice, as well as tea made from cherry stems, finds another use in traditional medicine where, in addition to nutrition, it is used for dry skin care and regeneration, as well as for removing bags under eyes. Along with its use in traditional medicine, sweet cherry is nowadays also used in the pharmaceutical industry.
Sweet cherries can be stored by freezing or drying, and we are confident that somewhere in your mind you keep a fond memory of aromatic sweet cherry cakes.
The Cro Cherry brand has been devised as a recognizable label of our product – a product that will guarantee our customers a healthy, nutritious, quality product. The aim is for the customer to be able to recognize that the brand represents a product of Croatia, grown with love and care prior to its marketing, properly packed and stored, and one that underwent rigorous control in order to meet all requirements of our customers.


TREŠNJA d.o.o. Zagreb, II. Maksimirsko naselje 4, Zagreb
+385 1 2348 715
+385 91 2348 715
+385 91 2348 711
Trgovački sud u Zagrebu, MBS:110013110, OIB: 12796001269
Bank details:
Raiffeisenbank Austria d.d.
Magazinska cesta 69, 10 000 Zagreb
IBAN: HR 5224840081107263434
Erste&Steiermarkische bank d.d.
Ivana Lučića 2, 10 000 Zagreb
Erste banka HR 8224020061100497890
Distances from the plantation:
A1 Motorway (Zagreb–Dubrovnik) – 16 km – Zadar 1 exit
Zadar Railway Station – 18 km
Zadar Gaženica Port – 21 km
Zadar Airport – 25 km
©2018CROCHERRY by: StudioGec